Colon Cancer – The Stages of Colon Cancer

The progression of Colon Cancer depends on its stage. The early stage is called “carcinoma in situ,” and has not spread beyond the inner layer of the colon. In most cases, this type of cancer can be cured. Stages 0 and 1 have not spread to other parts of the body, and stage 3 is not yet cancerous, but has already reached one or more lymph nodes. Stage IV is the most advanced stage, and survival rates are lower than those for the earlier stages.

The risk of developing colon cancer increases with age. If there is a family history of colon cancer, you have a greater chance of developing colon polyps. Also, you are more likely to develop polyps if you are overweight and drink alcohol. Although the exact cause of colon cancer is unknown, researchers know that genetics play an important role in its development. People with certain genetic conditions have increased risk of developing colon cancer, including Lynch syndrome.

Radiation is often combined with other treatments. It disrupts the dividing process of cells, and damage rapidly dividing cancerous cells. But the good news is that healthy cells can repair the damage done by chemotherapy. And, as the cancer progresses, treatment options for this type of cancer are more limited. Cancer treatments can only be effective if they have targeted all affected areas of the colon. However, if you are not able to have colon cancer surgery, you can still undergo radiation treatment to alleviate symptoms.

If you’re under 50, your doctor may be able to detect it earlier. But if you’ve been diagnosed with the disease, consult your healthcare provider and discuss screening. If you notice any symptoms, discuss with your health care provider and be sure to tell him/her about any changes in your bowel habits. In addition to having a bowel movement, regular testing will also give your doctor an idea of your risk level for colon cancer.

In most cases, colon cancer can be cured if detected early. Screenings and awareness of symptoms are important. The earlier you catch the condition, the better your chances of a successful treatment. But you can also prevent colon cancer by taking care of yourself. You should exercise regularly, eat fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed meat, excess calories, and smoke. So, do not forget to talk to your primary care provider and ask for a colon cancer screening today.

Your doctor will do blood tests and imaging to determine the extent of your colon tumor. The x-rays and labs will look for tumor markers and detect cancer cells throughout the body. Other diagnostic tests may include PET scans, CT scans, and MRIs. Your doctor may also perform genetic testing to determine the cause of your tumor. If the gene mutation is present in your tumor, the treatment may be tailored to your specific condition.

Colorectal cancer occurs in cells located in the rectum and colon. These cancerous growths contain a number of cancerous cells that can spread to other parts of the body. A colon cancer is characterized by the development of a large tumour that can spread throughout the body. It begins in the colon and progresses through the rectum, which is the final section of the large intestine. In many cases, a small tumor in the rectum will develop into a full-blown tumor when it reaches a certain size.

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