Learn About the Types of Colon Cancer

You should know the different types of colon cancer and how to recognize it. You should also know the different treatment options and the chances of survival. Learn about colon cancer symptoms and diagnosis in this article. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared to get the appropriate treatment for your condition. You can avoid the risks associated with colon cancer by following the tips and advice provided by medical experts. We’ll also discuss the various types of treatment available for colon cancer and how to find a good surgeon.


You might be wondering if there are any symptoms of colon cancer. The truth is that it is extremely difficult to detect this malignancy in its early stages. In fact, the symptoms of colon cancer may not show up until it has spread to distant parts of the body. However, there are some common symptoms that you should keep an eye out for. These include rectal bleeding, blood in the stool, and bowel changes. Below, we’ll talk about these symptoms and how to recognize them in the early stages.

Women and men both have an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer, but for most women, the disease is not top of mind. They tend to prioritize the health of their family, their children, and their own bodies. In any case, any persistent, severe, or unusual symptoms of colon cancer should be evaluated by a physician. While some of these symptoms can be mistaken for menstrual irregularities, women with colon cancer should visit their primary care physician as soon as possible.


The diagnosis of colon cancer is based on the presence of the cancer in the colon. It may be in the mucosa or the muscle layer, but the cancer has not spread to the nearby lymph nodes or distant organs. In stage 3 or 4, the cancer has spread to one or more lymph nodes or distant tissues, or it has metastasized. It may be in the early stage of colon cancer, or it may have spread to other parts of the body.

In colon cancer, the disease begins in the cells that line the colon. The cells grow and divide normally, but when colon cancer cells invade adjacent organs, they begin to spread throughout the body. These cancerous cells then spread throughout the lymphatic system and bloodstream, and may eventually reach other parts of the body. It can also lead to changes in bowel habits, such as irregular menstrual cycles. Symptoms of colon cancer include abnormal bowel habits and a change in bowel habits. Diagnosis of colon cancer should also reveal if you have a change in bowel habits. Pencil-thin stools, bloating, and frequent gas and cramps are all signs of colon cancer.


Treatment of colon cancer varies from person to person. It depends on the extent of the disease and stage. Other factors also play a role. For people whose cancer has not spread, surgery is usually the primary treatment. In some cases, chemotherapy is used as an adjuvant treatment, and it may last up to six months. Surgery can shrink the cancer. A colostomy, which is an opening made in the abdominal wall, may also be necessary.

The chemotherapy drugs that are used to treat colon cancer come in several forms. Some drugs are given intravenously, while others may be administered orally. The most common form of chemotherapy is called FOLFOX, which is a combination of five-fluorouracil (FOLFO) and leucovorin (5-FU) and oxaliplatin. Others may get 5-FU and capecitabine alone.

Survival rate

Survival rate of colon cancer depends on several factors. The stage of the cancer, patient age, and treatment options all play a role. In the U.S., a five-year survival rate of colon cancer is approximately 63%. It is slightly higher for women. The median age at diagnosis of colon cancer is 69 years, while it is 66 years for men. Among patients diagnosed with colon cancer, 90% are over the age of 50. Overall, three-fourths of survivors are over age 65 years old.

Fortunately, early diagnosis of colon cancer can save patients from the potentially deadly recurrence of the disease. By the time cancer reaches stage IV, it has spread to lymph nodes and distant organs. While colon cancer has no precise predictor of survival, early diagnosis can improve survival rates and lower recurrence rates. In addition, more patients are opting for early screening and clinical trials. And more research is needed to determine the best treatment options and maximize survival.

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