The Main Symptoms of Colon Cancer That Every Woman Should Know About

Mid section of senior woman wearing white trousers and light blue blouse sitting on toilet holding stomach

If you suspect that you may have colon cancer, you may not know what to look for. Fortunately, there are several signs and symptoms to look out for, including dark tar-like stools, blood in your stool, and unexplained fatigue. However, you should never ignore these signs or wait until you have experienced them yourself. Here are some of the main symptoms of colon cancer that every woman should be aware of.


Many women don’t think of the symptoms of colon cancer until they have them. Among these are diarrhea that lasts more than two days, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, or cramping, and fatigue. Some women may even dismiss the warning signs as menstrual discomfort. While they are often misdiagnosed, the symptoms of colon cancer are fairly easy to distinguish from those of gynecological disorders. To determine if you have colon cancer, see your primary care doctor.

Women may have subtle symptoms of colon cancer that are easily mistaken for menstrual cramps or digestive problems. While there are some differences between men and women, they can all be related to colon cancer. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Women with risk factors should also discuss any changes in bowel habits and any abnormalities with their health care provider.


There are three different stages of colon cancer. Stage 0 is the most early stage, meaning it has not spread beyond the mucosa. Stage 1 cancer has not yet spread to surrounding structures or lymph nodes. Stage 2 cancer has spread beyond the mucosa and has reached the peritoneum. There are also two different substages: stage 2A and stage 2B. At stage 3c, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

While there are no specific symptoms of this disease, symptoms can develop quickly. Symptoms are often not apparent until the cancer has spread. Although it can take years before symptoms develop, the cancer can be detected early and treated to improve your overall quality of life. In early stages, treatment may involve colonoscopy, followed by other treatments. Once the cancer has reached a stage of stage II, surgery may be the only treatment option.


The treatment of colon cancer depends on the stage and extent of the cancer, and sometimes on other factors. For instance, surgery may be used if the cancer has not spread to lymph nodes. In some cases, chemotherapy may be used in conjunction with surgery, a process known as adjuvant therapy. Most adjuvant treatments are scheduled to last for six months. Treatment options may vary, so it’s important to discuss your individual options with your doctor.

Thankfully, colon cancer is highly treatable. In most cases, the cancer is detected during a routine screening and treated before it spreads. The most common treatment is surgery, which results in a cure in 50 percent of cases. Unfortunately, this is not always enough. Fortunately, there are ways to detect symptoms of colon cancer early and prevent it from spreading. This allows doctors to cure cancer and reduce the risk of complications.

Survival rate

The survival rate of colon cancer varies according to stage and location. The localized form is the most treatable and curable type. Stage II and stage III patients should undergo adjuvant chemotherapy to reduce their risk of relapse. Treatment is usually given orally, but it may also be administered intravenously. Adjuvant chemotherapy is typically given for six months. Your oncologist can discuss the benefits and side effects of these treatments.

Patients diagnosed with regional or distant stage colon cancers have the lowest survival rates. Those with localized stage colon cancers have an 88.7% five-year survival rate, while those with stage IV have a 14 percent survival rate. While survival rates are significantly lower in stage IV, treatment is available to improve the odds of cure. Listed below are the key factors that contribute to the 5-year survival rate of colon cancer. These factors will be discussed in more detail below.

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